Tìm Kiếm

21 tháng 9, 2024

Hymns for Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Liturgical Year B (September 29, 2024)

 -Entrance Hymn: ES # 137 “NOW IS THE TIME”

- Responsorial Psalm (Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14) - EM page 228

R. (9a) The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.
Ðáp: Giới răn Chúa chính trực, làm hoan lạc tâm can (c. 9a).

The law of the LORD is perfect,
refreshing the soul;
the decree of the LORD is trustworthy,
giving wisdom to the simple.
R. The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.
Xướng: Luật pháp Chúa toàn thiện, bồi bổ tâm linh; chỉ thị Chúa cố định, phá ngu kẻ dốt. 

The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever;
the ordinances of the LORD are true,
all of them just.
R. The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.
Xướng: Lòng tôn sợ Chúa thuần khiết, còn mãi muôn đời; phán quyết của Chúa chân thật, công minh hết thảy. 

Though your servant is careful of them,
very diligent in keeping them,
yet who can detect failings?
Cleanse me from my unknown faults!
R. The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.
Xướng: Dù tôi tớ Chúa quan tâm về những điều luật đó, lại hết sức ân cần tuân giữ, nhưng có nhiều chuyện lầm lỗi, nào ai hay? Xin rửa con sạch những lỗi lầm không nhận thấy.

From wanton sin especially, restrain your servant;
let it not rule over me.
Then shall I be blameless and innocent
of serious sin.
R. The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.
Xướng: Cũng xin ngăn ngừa tôi tớ Chúa khỏi tính kiêu căng, đừng để tính đó làm chủ trong mình con. Lúc đó con sẽ được tinh toàn và thanh khiết, khỏi điều tội lỗi lớn lao.

Alleluia (Cf. Jn 17:17b, 17a)

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Your word, O Lord, is truth;
consecrate us in the truth.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Allluia: (xin coi Ga 17:17b, 17a)

Alleluia, alleluia! – "Xin Cha lấy sự thật mà thánh hiến họ, Lời Cha là sự thật." – Alleluia.

Prayer Of The Faithful

Priest Celebrant

God of love, you know our needs before we speak them,
we lift our hearts to you in prayer.

Deacon or Lector

A. That all chosen to lead our Church
do so with loving compassion and service,
let us pray to the Lord

B. That those in government service
regard all human life with sacred respect,
let us pray to the Lord

C. That people who feel their life has no meaning
recieve understanding and loving care,
let us pray to the Lord:

D. That victims of all manners of abuse find the courage to share their stories,
and are able to get the help of empathic advocates,
let us pray to the Lord:

E. That we hold in prayer all members of our faith community,
especially those who are unable to join us at Christ's table,
let us pray to the Lord:

Priest Celebrant

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
we trust that you will look kindly upon our intercessions.
We ask these things in the name of Christ our Lord.

-Offertory Hymn: ES # 181 “THIS BREAD THAT WE SHARE”

-Communion Hymn: ES # 187 “THE SUPPER OF THE LORD”

-Recessional Hymn: ES # 194 "I WILL SING FOREVER"

The Holy Spirit Choir