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A. Introduction
a) To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Welcome to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the Sunday Holy Mass. Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent, Year C. The message of God’s Word enlightens our mind in order that we may know how to prepare the way for the Lord Who is coming to bring salvation to the human race. There are many things to do, according to Saint John the Baptist, before we meet the Savior.
Let us pray hard in this Holy Mass for the blessing of true conversion by rejecting our past sinful life and accepting the new life in Christ.
Kindly all stand for the entrance hymn.
b) To the Readings
- First Reading: Bar 5:1-9
God gave the suffering people encouraging promises that their happy and glorious days would come for they were ready to repent of their sins and go back into God’s righteous way.
- Second Reading: Phil 1:4-6.8-11
Saint Paul admonishes Christians as co-workers for the proclamation of the Good News of Christ to conduct their lives in such a way that people may be convinced by both their words and deeds.
B. Hymns For Holy Mass
a) Entrance: ES #30 (26) - “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
b) Responsorial Psalm: EM page 37
c) Offertory: ES #153 (158) - “Our Blessing Cup”
d) Communion: ES #40 (33) - “Ready The Way”
e) Recessional: ES #38 (38) - “The Whole World Is Waiting For Love”