Tìm Kiếm

1 tháng 7, 2018

XIV Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year B (July 8, 2018)

A.    Introduction

a)     To the Holy Mass

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Good morning!

Welcome to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the Sunday Holy Mass celebration.  As we listen to the Gospel story this Sunday we come to realize the big challenge of leaving a world of accustomed things and people and jumping into the land of unknown realities.  But this is the very saving message of Christ Who never ceases calling us to put our trust in Him.

Please all stand for the entrance hymn.  

b)    To the Readings

-         First Reading Ez 2:2-5

The holy men in the time of the Old Testament were often inspired by the Spirit of the Lord God to speak out truths that help people to right the wrong and walk in the path of salvation.

-         Second Reading 2 Cor 12:7-10

Christians, according to Saint Paul’s faith experience, have to live up to a tension between the human and the divine.  The more they trust in God the bigger chance for being saved they get.

B.   Hymns for Holy Mass

       a)   ES #138 “Now As We Gather”
       b)   EM page 184
       c)   ES #153 “Our Blessing Cup”
       d)   ES #168 “Taste and See”
       e)   ES #206 “To Praise You”