To the Holy Mass
Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the Sunday Holy Mass celebration. Today we celebrate the fourth and last Sunday
in the Advent Season. As we have
accomplished the four weeks long preparation for the Birthday of Christ, we
thank God for the blessing of His merciful love with which He forgave our sins
and granted us new life in His Son.
us together with Saint Elizabeth and the baby in her womb go out to meet
Christ, still an infant in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mother, and greet
Him: “You are the Lord and Savior of the world!”
all stand for the entrance hymn.
To the Readings
First Reading: Mi 5:1-4 a
The Prophet
Micah pronounces the good news that the long waited Savior of the human race
has come to lead them to God and bring peace to the whole world.
Second Reading: Heb 10:5-10
Saint Paul
in his Letter to the Hebrews points out the greatness of Christ’s sacrifice of
loving obedience offered for the salvation of all peoples.
B. Hymns for
Holy Mass
a/ Entrance: The Whole World is Waiting For Love (ES #38)
b/ Respondsorial Psalm: EM page 38
c/ Offertory: Jesus, Come To Us
(ES #35)
d/ Communion: There Is A Longing (ES #212)
e/ Recessional: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (ES #30)