To the Holy Mass
Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the Sunday Holy Mass celebration. Today we celebrate the 32nd Sunday
in the Ordinary Time.
topic of the Word of God for this Sunday is that the Lord God appreciates the
quality more than the quantity of our service.
In other words it is more meaningful how to serve than what to
serve. It is the love of God and
neighbor with which we are building a better home for our sisters and brothers
would mean much more than all things else.
pray hard in this Holy Mass for the blessing of working for God’s kingdom without
reserve even if there is a shortage of resources on our part.
all stand for the entrance hymn.
To the Readings
First Reading: 1 Kgs 17:10-16
The goodness
with which the poor widow of Zarephath treated the Prophet Elijah brought her a
miraculous blessing that she was granted an unlimited food provision.
Second Reading: Heb 9:24-28
Christ is
the true high priest Who offered once for all His life as the most efficient
sacrifice for sin in order to obtain for humanity eternal happiness.
Hymns for Holy Mass
a/ Entrance: Now is The Time (EM # 102)
b/ Respondsorial Psalm: EM Pages 222 - 223
c/ Offertory: All Good Gifts (EM # 206)
d/ Communion: Only a Shadow
(EM # 209)
e/ Recessional: There is a Longing (EM # 226)