Tìm Kiếm

30 tháng 10, 2015

Holy Spirit Choir invite: Nov. 11th Seminar on the Role of the Choir in Liturgy

The Choir as Minister of Liturgical Music
A one night seminar on the role of the choir during Mass, from historical, liturgical, and pastoral perspectives.  How did the role of the choir change after Vatican II?  What is the ministry of the choir in relationship to the assembly?  What choices in music planning and singing demonstrate a servant model, rather than a performance model, of the liturgy and the assembly?

Wednesday night, November 11th
7:15 pm to 8:45 pm
Location: To Be Determined (in District One, selecting a room and location depending upon the number of people who pre-register)
Pre-registraiton is required so sufficient copies of handouts are made available.  Only those who pre-register, by November 8th,
will be informed of the location of the seminar.  The seminar will be given in English, but quotations in Vietnamese will be cross-referenced to the new music document “Huong Dan Muc Vu Thanh Nhac”.

Those who pre-register will be given the requested donation for the cost of the photocopied handouts and what other materials to bring.
To pre-register, write an email to
and give your 
a) complete name, 
b) name of your English Mass choir, and 
c) your email.
Title the subject line of the email:  Pre-registration for Choir Ministry Seminar
Final date for pre-registration:  November 8th
