To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters
and brothers in Christ,
to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the celebration of Sunday Holy Mass. As we celebrate the 18th Sunday in
Ordinary Time today, the ending part of the Gospel story of the multiplication
of bread tells us better to work for the food that endures for eternal life.
do need many things: food, cloths, houses, medicine and the like to sustain our
life here on earth. It is wise, however,
to listen to the Word of God that encourages us to look for the meaning and the
aim of our life, and to do all efforts in order to achieve these values.
pray to the Lord for wisdom and strength to accomplish our life in accordance
with God’s design for each and one of us.
all stand for the entrance hymn.
To the Readings
First Reading Ex 16:2-4.12-15
The Lord God
took good care of the people of Israel on their way to the Promised Land. That was the starting point of much greater
projects through which God would lead His faithful ones to eternal life.
Second Reading Eph 4:17.20-24
Saint Paul
urges Christians to quit the old way of life sullied by evil consequences of
sin and to take up the new one of those created in God’s image and saved by
Christ Jesus.
Hymns for Holy Mass
a) Entrance: Let Us Go To The Altar (EM #133)
b) Responsorial
Psalm: EM Page 188
c) Offertory: Worthy is The Lamb (EM #92)
d) Communion: These Alone Are Enough (EM #228)
e) Recessional: We Belong to You (EM #114)