Tìm Kiếm

18 tháng 4, 2015

III Sunday of Easter—Year B (April 19, 2015)

A.     Introduction
a)      To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning!
Welcome to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the celebration of the Third Sunday of Easter.
The Risen Lord is present in every moment of our life as He has promised.  He always comes to our rescue when we fall into difficult and hopeless situations.  After strengthening us by His powerful love, He sends us to mission and makes us witnesses of God saving mercy.
We pray to our Lord Jesus Christ for the grace of new life, filled with joy and peace, so as to bring the Good News of salvation to all people.
Please all stand for the entrance hymn.

b)     To the Readings
-          First Reading Acts 3:13-15.17-19:
Saint Peter and the first Christians were confident in the proclamation of the truth of the Risen Lord.  They spoke not as well trained orators but as witnesses of what had happened concerning the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 
-          Second Reading 1 Jn 2:1-5a:
Christians who were reborn to new life in Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism have to live up to God’s Commandments.

B.      Hymns for Holy Mass
a) Entrance: This Day Was Made By The Lord (EM #101)
b) Responsorial Psalm: EM Pages 147-148
c) Offertory: All Good Gifts (EM #206)
d) Communion: There is a Longing (EM #226)
e) Recessional: Regina Caeli (EM #93)