Tìm Kiếm

30 tháng 3, 2015

Audio: Palm Sunday 2015 - Year B

 Homily for Palm Sunday—Year B— 2015
Fr. Francis Nguyen, O.P.   

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We have just listened to the story of how Jesus suffered and was crucified on the Cross.  The reason why He died, the reason why He was crucified, the reason why He was treated unjustly?  The right answer should be: because He loved us. 

Yes.  Jesus once said: “God so loved the world”—God so loved all of us, sisters and brothers—“that He gave His Only Son” to suffer and to die for you and for me to be forgiven our sins; for you and for me to live and live eternally in good relationship with God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.  And this is a reality: you and I have received through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the gift of eternal life, the gift of new life in Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism. 

Yes.  We should be very grateful to Christ for loving us, and loving us to the end, even to death, and the death on the Cross. 

So we just now spend some moment to say “thank you” to Him and, from the bottom of our hearts, do Him a favor, make a promise to Him.  And this should be the best gift which we offer Him in His suffering, in His unjust treatment, unjust death penalty in our behalf.