Tìm Kiếm

7 tháng 2, 2015

V Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B (Feb 8, 2015)

A.     Introduction
a)      To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning!
Welcome to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the Sunday Holy Mass celebration.  As we celebrate the Fifth Sunday in the Ordinary Time today, the Word of God reminds us of the urgent task assigned to each and one of us, believers in Christ, that of proclaiming the Good News of salvation to our neighbor.
We pray hard in this Holy Mass for the grace of wisdom and courage to carry out what Christ commanded us to, confident in the powerful companionship of the Lord and the ever-available guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Please all stand for the entrance hymn.    

b)     To the Readings
-          First Reading Jb 7:1-4.6-7
Man’s life is filled with too many heavy burdens that little chance for enjoyment could be found.  This viewpoint on the meaning of human existence, however pessimistic, reflects the reality of how miserable humanity affected by sin has become.  For this reason, Christ’s saving grace remains the vital solution to all forms of man’s suffering.   

-          Second Reading 1 Cor 9:16-19.22-23
The preaching of Christ’s Good News of salvation should be done by Christians not as a means for earning living but as an expression of profound gratitude to the Lord and Savior for His great love for each and one of them.

B.      Hymns for Holy Mass
a) Entrance: Now is The Time  (EM #102)
b) Responsorial Psalm: EM Page 67
c) Offertory: Our Blessing Cup (EM #158)
d) Communion: Here I Am, Lord (EM #286)
e) Recessional: Open My Eyes (EM #235)