To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters
and Brothers in Christ,
Welcome to
Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for our Sunday Holy Mass celebration.
This Sunday
we commemorate the Baptism of the Lord.
This event reminds us of the starting point of Christ’s public ministry
when God the Father anointing the Son with the power of the Holy Spirit
introduced Him to the world as the Lord and Savior.
We profess
in this Holy Mass our faith in Christ and ask Him to strengthen us who were
baptized in His Name with His living Word and Body and Blood which give us true
and eternal life.
Kindly all
stand for the entrance hymn.
To the Readings
First Reading Is 55:1-11
The Lord God
is faithful in fulfilling His promises to His people by giving them free gifts
of happy and everlasting life which surpasses human expectations.
Second 1 Jn 5:1-9
enjoy the new life in Christ the Lord and Savior through the Sacrament of
Baptism which enables them to enter the intimate communion with God the Father
in the Holy Spirit.
Hymns for Holy Mass
a) Entrance: Sing a New Song (EM #146)
b) Responsorial Psalm: EM Page 59
c) Offertory: Our Blessing Cup (EM #158)
d) Communion: Here I Am, Lord (EM #286)
e) Recessional: Salve, Regina (EM #299)