Fr. Francis Nguyen, O.P.
Prepare the Way of
the Lord
(Second Sunday of Advent—Year B)
Dear Sisters
and Brothers in Christ,
resounding voice of Saint John the Baptist “Prepare the way of the Lord”
becomes the main topic of this Second Sunday of Advent.
The Great
Prophet of the New Testament does not mention a way in general, instead he
clarifies and specifies what and whose way it is.
This is not
a certain way, but this is “the way”.
Christ one day will introduce Himself: “I am the Way.” Christ is the only and unique Way for
humanity to walk in. This is surely the
Way that leads to the Truth about God’s merciful love for all of us, and to the
Life ever-happy and ever-lasting in His Kingdom.
This is not
a way made by man and according to human project. There are in fact many, large, long, and
beautiful ways constructed by man in order to foster economic exchange and
social relationship. However, very few
ways can be found for people to have a heart-to-heart meeting.
Could you
please tell me where I can find the way of honor in today’s society when money
can buy everything even a person’s soul?
Could you
show me a little bit of honesty in a world where lies have shamelessly reigned
over people’s way of life?
The Way of
the Lord in which people walk leads them to a change of their hearts, from
stony and insensitive hearts to compassionate and loving hearts.
The Way of
the Lord in which people walk leads them to a radical conversion, from being
selfish and material-oriented to being honest and responsible for the common
the Way of the Lord is all that we need to reform our life and our
relationship. Without the Way of the
Lord, man’s ways only end up in leading us to nowhere. It would be worse that man’s ways lead to destruction,
to death.
Fr. Francis Nguyen, O.P.