Tìm Kiếm

15 tháng 11, 2014

XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year A (November 16, 2014)

A.     Introduction
a)      To the holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning!
As we celebrate the 33rd Sunday in the Ordinary Time, we almost come to the closing of the Liturgical Year of 2014 and, at the same time, the start of the new Liturgy for Year 2015.
This is a moment for us to make an account about our achievements and failings in living up to our commitment to serving the Lord God and our neighbors.
It is the quality of our work, however, not its quantity, that matters in the sight of God. 
In this Holy Mass, we pray hard to God for the grace of prudence and faithfulness in order to fulfill our calling.  Let us just do our best, and let God care for the rest.
Please all stand for the entrance hymn.

b)     To the Readings
-          First Reading Prv 31:10-13.19-20.30-31
For a woman, her virtues prevail over her physical beauty.  Good deeds which she has done for people in need enhance her dignity in the face of her family and foreigners.

-          Second Reading 1 Thes 5:1-6
Christians do believe that the Lord will come again in glory to bring an end to this present world torn by all forms of evil.  They must, therefore, keep themselves always watchful for they do not know the day and the time of the Lord’s coming. 

B.      Hymns for Holy Mass
a) Entrance: Here I Am, Lord  (EM #264)
b) Responsorial Psalm: EM Page 223
c) Offertory: Taste And See (EM #150)
d) Communion: To Praise You (EM #210)
e)  Recessional: Open My Eyes (EM #216)