To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters
and Brothers in Christ,
Welcome to
Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the celebration of Sunday Holy Mass in the 29th
Week in the Ordinary Time, Year A. The
message of God’s Word this Sunday focuses on what our Lord Jesus Christ said to
those who would wish to how to deal with seemingly unsolvable interest
conflicts between worshipping God and serving people: “Repay to Cesar what
belongs to Cesar and to God what belongs to God.”
would not find themselves in any difficulty when they realize the truth that
the duty to build the Kingdom of God begins with that of building the kingdom
of man.
Kindly all
stand for the entrance hymn.
To the Readings
First Reading Is 45:1.4-6
God the
Creator of all knows how to entice His created world to serve His Holy Will no
matter what or who they are. King Cyrus
of foreign and pagan origin was sent by God to restore the Chosen People and
the worship of His Name.
Second Reading 1 Thes 1:1-5 b
The preaching
of Christ’s Good News is not the work of mere word of mouth but consists of
actions which reveal the power of God in the life of the preachers and that of
the listeners. It is God Who opens the
mouth of the speaker and the heart of the audience.
Hymns for Holy Mass
Entrance: Let Us Go To The Altar (EM
Responsorial Psalm: EM Page 211
Offertory: The God of All Grace (EM #266)
Communion: To Praise You (EM #210)
e) Recessional: Salve, Regina (EM #282)