Tìm Kiếm

30 tháng 9, 2015


Dear all Holy Spirit Choir members,

October having come again reminds us of so beautiful memories which will never fade from our minds and hearts. Among these immortal images there emerges that of the Choir community gathering together to pray the Rosary in front of the statue of our Blessed Virgin Mother in the church yard every Saturday evening after our weekly rehearsal.

This year again we will pray the “Chain Rosary”.  What does “Chain Rosary” mean?  Each Choir member by taking one among the twenty mysteries as his/her daily “pray the Rosary” assignment is united to other Choir members who take theirs, and thus accomplishes the complete Rosary which consists of twenty mysteries.

This October we pray the Rosary for our beloved Holy Father, Pope Francis, for peace in the world, for justice in our country, and for the Church in Viet Nam in the service of our people.  We also pray the Rosary for our families and our Holy Spirit Choir.

May our Lord bless us all through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother.

Fr. Francis Nguyen, O.P.