Amos: Am
1 Kings: 1 Kgs
Baruch: Bar
2 Kings: 2 Kgs
1 Chronicles: 1 Chr
Lamentations: Lam
1 Chronicles: 2 Chr
Leviticus: Lv
Daniel: Dn
1 Maccabees: 1 Mc
Deuteronomy: Dt
2 Maccabees: 2 Mc
Ecclesiastes: Eccl
Malachi: Mal
Esther: Est
Micah: Mi
Exodus: Ex
Nahum: Na
Ezra Ezr
Nehemiah: Neh
Ezekiel Ez
Numbers: Nm
Genesis: Gn
Obadiah: Ob
Habakkuk: Hb
Proverbs: Prv
Haggai Hg
Psalm(s): Ps(s)
Hosea: Hos
Ruth: Ru
Isaiah: Is
1 Samuel: 1 Sm
Jeremiah: Jer
2 Samuel: 2 Sm
Job: Jb
Sirach: Sir
Joel: Jl
Song of Songs: Sg
Jonah: Jon
Tobit: Tb
Joshua: Jos
Wisdom: Wis
Judges Jgs
Zechariah: Zec
Judith: Jdt
Zephaniah: Zep
Acts of the Apostles: Acts
Mark: Mk
Colossians: Col
Matthew: Mt
1 Corinthians: 1 Cor
1 Peter: 1 Pt
2 Corinthians: 2 Cor
2 Peter: 2 Pt
Ephesians: Eph
Philemon: Phlm
Galatians: Gal
Philippians Phil
Hebrews: Heb
Revelation: Rv
James: Jas
Romans: Rom
John (Gospel): Jn
1 Thessalonians: 1 Thes
1 John: 1 Jn
2 Thessalonians: 2 Thes
2 John: 2 Jn
1 Timothy: 1 Tm
3 John: 3 Jn
2 Timothy: 2 Tm
Jude: Jude
Titus: Ti
Luke: Lk